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KOM Informatics: Overview Of The Statistically Significant Correlations Between Workload And Performance 2022-2023

By David Brown

Interval Advisor AI The KOMInformatics.com SysAdmin has the ability to run a Training Effectiveness Report for a given time frame, workload window, and offset for each eligible user. The report extracts statistically significant relationships between performance and workload using PR watts on the performance side against kilojoules of work on the workload side. For background info on the report and these concepts see the first article in this series KOM Informatics: Raising 20 Minute Power Over 4 Weeks: What Actually Worked.

Prior articles in this series have only looked at data in the 20 minute to 1 hour PR time box, since increasing 20 minute power is a major focus for many competitive cyclists. But there are 16 other PR time boxes employed by the system in the Training Effectiveness report. This article looks at Training Effectiveness data compiled from all of the PR time boxes.

Training Effectiveness Report Results (2022-2023)

As of 8/7/2024, The admin controlled Training Effectiveness report has run 9 times reporting on 6 month time frames (Jan-June, Jul-Dec) for 2022 and 2023. Five of those times the report used 28 days for the workload window, 0 days for the offset and 5 for the number of PRs. 28 days was thought to be a reasonable amount of time for most interventions to start showing some results. The data from the last time the 28 day window was run (Jan-June 2024) is not included in this analysis which is limited to 2022-2023.

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28 Day Workload Window: Workload And PR Time Bucket Prevalence

Workload Prevalence
Workload User Percentage Watts Gain Average R Avg # Of Interventions Max # Of Interventions
Z7 0.34 59 0.893212643678161 1.78 7
Z6 0.32 52 0.893779775280899 1.89 5
NI 0.32 60 0.885559420289855 1.57 4
Z4 0.29 49 0.898264864864865 1.95 8
Z5 0.29 41 0.894735616438356 1.92 6
Z3 0.1 51 0.8775 1.2 2

Time Bucket Prevalence
Min Time Max Time User Percentage Watts Gain Average R
2:01 3:00 0.2 36 0.900824
5:01 8:00 0.2 26 0.872986206896552
3:01 5:00 0.19 30 0.900016129032258
1:00:01 1:30:00 0.19 24 0.901489473684211
2:00:01 3:00:00 0.19 26 0.909037037037037
3:00:01 4:00:00 0.19 38 0.897126470588235
1:30:01 2:00:00 0.18 26 0.89551724137931
20:01 1:00:00 0.16 25 0.855317391304348
4:00:01 5:00:00 0.16 52 0.927413043478261
6 10 0.16 114 0.9016125
21 30 0.16 90 0.893197058823529
31 1:00 0.15 72 0.873245833333333
1:01 2:00 0.14 62 0.877704545454545
0:00 5 0.13 165 0.9020375
11 20 0.11 78 0.872007142857143
8:01 20:00 0.11 22 0.876688235294118
5:00:01 23:59:59 0.1 47 0.920961538461539

Time Bucket/Workload Prevalence
Min Time Max Time Workload User Percentage Watts Gain Average R
0:00 5 Z5 0.04 47 0.9251
0:00 5 Z6 0.04 54 0.894666666666667
0:00 5 Z7 0.04 293 0.918225
0:00 5 NI 0.03 229 0.8865
0:00 5 Z3 0.03 86 0.84445
0:00 5 Z4 0.03 268 0.91925
6 10 NI 0.08 136 0.908283333333333
6 10 Z4 0.06 114 0.877916666666667
6 10 Z7 0.06 119 0.89865
6 10 Z6 0.05 70 0.9447
6 10 Z5 0.03 122 0.8754
11 20 Z6 0.06 90 0.86282
11 20 Z5 0.04 90 0.886466666666667
11 20 NI 0.03 86 0.8302
11 20 Z4 0.03 25 0.9067
11 20 Z7 0.01 63 0.9306
21 30 Z6 0.1 93 0.862827272727273
21 30 Z7 0.09 104 0.9172875
21 30 NI 0.06 99 0.8945
21 30 Z4 0.05 51 0.913075
21 30 Z5 0.04 83 0.894966666666667
21 30 Z3 0.03 77 0.91755
31 1:00 Z6 0.09 82 0.883925
31 1:00 Z5 0.06 70 0.85614
31 1:00 NI 0.05 74 0.8335
31 1:00 Z4 0.05 53 0.897325
31 1:00 Z7 0.04 76 0.894166666666667
1:01 2:00 NI 0.06 74 0.88714
1:01 2:00 Z4 0.06 42 0.88502
1:01 2:00 Z6 0.05 48 0.884275
1:01 2:00 Z7 0.04 84 0.836933333333333
1:01 2:00 Z5 0.04 73 0.8742
1:01 2:00 Z3 0.01 42 0.904
2:01 3:00 Z4 0.09 33 0.9017
2:01 3:00 Z6 0.08 43 0.8986
2:01 3:00 Z5 0.05 29 0.935366666666667
2:01 3:00 Z7 0.04 38 0.866533333333333
2:01 3:00 NI 0.01 9 0.8197
2:01 3:00 Z3 0.01 81 0.8839
3:01 5:00 Z7 0.1 33 0.886644444444444
3:01 5:00 Z6 0.08 21 0.897975
3:01 5:00 NI 0.06 30 0.89094
3:01 5:00 Z4 0.04 36 0.93586
3:01 5:00 Z5 0.03 18 0.90445
3:01 5:00 Z3 0.03 44 0.897
5:01 8:00 Z7 0.13 24 0.867745454545454
5:01 8:00 NI 0.05 13 0.8301
5:01 8:00 Z4 0.05 43 0.901228571428571
5:01 8:00 Z6 0.05 13 0.901725
5:01 8:00 Z5 0.03 30 0.83295
5:01 8:00 Z3 0.01 9 0.8696
8:01 20:00 Z5 0.05 21 0.8802
8:01 20:00 Z7 0.05 21 0.877425
8:01 20:00 Z6 0.04 21 0.8658
8:01 20:00 NI 0.04 13 0.896866666666667
8:01 20:00 Z4 0.04 38 0.861733333333333
20:01 1:00:00 Z4 0.08 23 0.869616666666667
20:01 1:00:00 Z5 0.08 22 0.83015
20:01 1:00:00 Z7 0.06 28 0.86652
20:01 1:00:00 Z6 0.04 26 0.8622
20:01 1:00:00 NI 0.04 33 0.8515
1:00:01 1:30:00 NI 0.06 17 0.88074
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z5 0.05 19 0.90148
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z4 0.04 12 0.9023
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z6 0.03 61 0.935966666666667
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z7 0.03 9 0.9361
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z3 0.01 46 0.8302
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z5 0.1 22 0.877233333333333
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z6 0.08 36 0.935633333333333
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z7 0.08 18 0.899433333333333
1:30:01 2:00:00 NI 0.05 29 0.888275
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z4 0.05 26 0.87785
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z5 0.08 38 0.9337
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z7 0.08 18 0.896616666666667
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z6 0.06 27 0.89504
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z4 0.05 29 0.8772
2:00:01 3:00:00 NI 0.05 25 0.9356
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z3 0.01 11 0.9001
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z7 0.13 38 0.8775
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z5 0.08 48 0.886033333333333
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z6 0.08 33 0.9098875
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z4 0.06 42 0.9219
3:00:01 4:00:00 NI 0.04 31 0.91125
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z6 0.06 48 0.89642
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z7 0.05 57 0.97865
4:00:01 5:00:00 NI 0.05 66 0.8999
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z4 0.05 62 0.9451
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z5 0.05 33 0.957425
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z3 0.01 18 0.8242
5:00:01 23:59:59 NI 0.05 51 0.9086
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z4 0.03 16 0.88205
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z5 0.03 23 0.976166666666667
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z6 0.03 82 0.881833333333333
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z7 0.01 61 1

14 Day Workload Window: Workload And Time Bucket Prevalence

Workload Prevalence
Workload User Percentage Watts Gain Average R Avg # Of Interventions Max # Of Interventions
Z6 0.44 73 0.900470833333333 1.67 5
NI 0.41 67 0.890106363636364 1.8 6
Z5 0.38 62 0.887319801980198 1.6 4
Z7 0.38 51 0.894927102803738 1.57 5
Z4 0.37 55 0.890473873873874 1.82 5
Z3 0.11 26 0.902505882352941 1.55 5

Time Bucket Prevalence
Min Time Max Time User Percentage Watts Gain Average R
21 30 0.3 118 0.900118181818182
3:01 5:00 0.3 41 0.88798125
2:01 3:00 0.28 53 0.874917391304348
8:01 20:00 0.28 24 0.892705882352941
20:01 1:00:00 0.27 21 0.885111111111111
2:00:01 3:00:00 0.27 26 0.896760606060606
1:00:01 1:30:00 0.25 14 0.900408823529412
1:30:01 2:00:00 0.25 22 0.900342857142857
5:01 8:00 0.24 22 0.8936325
31 1:00 0.24 124 0.896495121951219
6 10 0.23 142 0.885857142857143
1:01 2:00 0.22 95 0.885968421052632
0:00 5 0.19 117 0.896911538461538
3:00:01 4:00:00 0.19 30 0.896335714285714
4:00:01 5:00:00 0.16 46 0.914632
11 20 0.16 86 0.885744444444445
5:00:01 23:59:59 0.08 42 0.92524

Time Bucket/Workload Prevalence
Min Time Max Time Workload User Percentage Watts Gain Average R
0:00 5 Z6 0.09 71 0.894471428571429
0:00 5 NI 0.08 213 0.880471428571428
0:00 5 Z5 0.08 115 0.894566666666667
0:00 5 Z7 0.05 45 0.935275
0:00 5 Z4 0.03 91 0.8933
6 10 NI 0.1 172 0.8828375
6 10 Z4 0.06 108 0.88534
6 10 Z5 0.06 107 0.863428571428572
6 10 Z6 0.05 125 0.905825
6 10 Z7 0.05 202 0.911825
11 20 Z5 0.08 102 0.9238
11 20 Z6 0.06 86 0.8567
11 20 NI 0.06 116 0.87724
11 20 Z7 0.04 77 0.873266666666667
11 20 Z4 0.03 28 0.8894
11 20 Z3 0.01 63 0.8209
21 30 Z4 0.15 91 0.878415384615385
21 30 Z6 0.11 137 0.928
21 30 Z5 0.1 84 0.87165
21 30 Z7 0.09 121 0.932214285714286
21 30 NI 0.06 218 0.903
21 30 Z3 0.01 46 0.8921
31 1:00 Z6 0.14 121 0.890309090909091
31 1:00 Z4 0.1 129 0.922022222222222
31 1:00 NI 0.09 94 0.8891125
31 1:00 Z7 0.08 88 0.882816666666667
31 1:00 Z5 0.06 210 0.883266666666667
31 1:00 Z3 0.01 61 0.9553
1:01 2:00 Z4 0.1 114 0.907408333333333
1:01 2:00 Z6 0.09 134 0.901677777777778
1:01 2:00 Z7 0.08 76 0.867866666666667
1:01 2:00 NI 0.05 54 0.857725
1:01 2:00 Z5 0.04 32 0.839033333333333
1:01 2:00 Z3 0.01 42 0.904
2:01 3:00 Z4 0.14 30 0.866908333333333
2:01 3:00 Z5 0.13 36 0.888258333333333
2:01 3:00 Z6 0.11 124 0.8948
2:01 3:00 Z7 0.06 59 0.854171428571429
2:01 3:00 NI 0.05 21 0.858633333333333
3:01 5:00 Z5 0.11 31 0.901044444444445
3:01 5:00 Z7 0.1 32 0.89949
3:01 5:00 NI 0.1 26 0.894877777777778
3:01 5:00 Z4 0.1 28 0.880033333333333
3:01 5:00 Z6 0.09 105 0.8553125
3:01 5:00 Z3 0.03 19 0.9007
5:01 8:00 Z7 0.11 31 0.892088888888889
5:01 8:00 NI 0.1 18 0.904333333333333
5:01 8:00 Z4 0.1 19 0.8987625
5:01 8:00 Z6 0.09 26 0.885914285714286
5:01 8:00 Z5 0.05 14 0.877716666666667
5:01 8:00 Z3 0.01 25 0.9197
8:01 20:00 Z5 0.1 35 0.883555555555556
8:01 20:00 Z6 0.1 20 0.917675
8:01 20:00 Z4 0.08 13 0.879614285714286
8:01 20:00 Z7 0.06 30 0.88274
8:01 20:00 NI 0.05 24 0.893525
8:01 20:00 Z3 0.01 29 0.9135
20:01 1:00:00 Z6 0.1 20 0.872475
20:01 1:00:00 Z7 0.1 14 0.9165625
20:01 1:00:00 Z4 0.08 25 0.88585
20:01 1:00:00 NI 0.06 24 0.872257142857143
20:01 1:00:00 Z5 0.05 30 0.8669
20:01 1:00:00 Z3 0.04 16 0.887733333333333
1:00:01 1:30:00 NI 0.15 17 0.89385
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z7 0.09 11 0.890771428571428
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z5 0.06 16 0.92
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z6 0.06 8 0.92034
1:00:01 1:30:00 Z4 0.05 16 0.89012
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z7 0.1 24 0.90358
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z6 0.08 15 0.900342857142857
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z4 0.06 20 0.87188
1:30:01 2:00:00 NI 0.05 30 0.930025
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z3 0.01 17 0.9823
1:30:01 2:00:00 Z5 0.01 42 0.8096
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z7 0.1 23 0.9092
2:00:01 3:00:00 NI 0.09 25 0.89025
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z5 0.08 33 0.89125
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z6 0.05 35 0.925875
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z3 0.04 14 0.8661
2:00:01 3:00:00 Z4 0.04 23 0.879666666666667
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z6 0.08 30 0.9384
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z7 0.06 30 0.85178
3:00:01 4:00:00 NI 0.05 31 0.87102
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z5 0.05 34 0.864166666666667
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z4 0.04 23 0.933333333333333
3:00:01 4:00:00 Z3 0.01 20 0.9912
4:00:01 5:00:00 NI 0.08 50 0.918914285714286
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z4 0.08 39 0.906383333333333
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z6 0.08 49 0.917183333333333
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z7 0.05 50 0.91345
4:00:01 5:00:00 Z5 0.03 41 0.9191
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z5 0.04 67 0.930966666666667
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z6 0.04 38 0.935666666666667
5:00:01 23:59:59 NI 0.03 25 0.93015
5:00:01 23:59:59 Z4 0.03 27 0.8961


It's not clear from these results why certain interventions worked for certain users. Analyzing these results against the backdrop of the other training the users did might prove interesting, and help to answer these questions. Relating these results to rider phenotype might be another approach which could provide some explanations.


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Power-duration relationship comparison in competition sprint cyclists from 1-s to 20-min. Sprint performance is more than just peak power (May 26, 2023)

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