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Workouts in KOM Informatics are a prescription for cycling based exercise. KOM Informatics provides a way to create, update and delete workouts capable of being exported to a Zwift workout (.zwo) format. Workout authors can choose to share a workout with all KOM Informatics users (Access Type = "public) or limit access to themselves and their Coached Athletes (Access Type = "private").

Users can also generate Workout Projections for a Workout which describe the fitness implications of performing that workout. Projections include
Average Power, Weighted Average Power, Intensity, Training Load, Kilojoules, and Interval Kilojoules. The Projection also includes Intervals, and
an Interval Zone Distribution.

Users can schedule a Workout from that Workout's Projection. Scheduling the Workout saves the Projection and causes the Workout to
appear on the Rides Calendar. Rescheduling the Workout, or deleting the Workout from the schedule is accomplished on the Calendar.

Uploading a Ride on the day a Workout is scheduled for causes a new button [Workout Performance Report] to appear on the Ride page.
If there is more than 1 Workout scheduled for that day all of the Workouts scheduled for that day appear on a dropdown list. Clicking
the [Workout Performance Report] button after selecting the Workout from the list causes the report to display. (If only a single Workout
is scheduled for a day the dropdown list won't appear, the Workout will be selected by default.)

See also

Getting Started
Other Functions