Home > Other Functions > Notifications > Warnings > FTP CP Mismatch Warning
FTP CP Mismatch Warning
This warning points out a mismatch between your FTP recorded in General Settings and the CP generated by the weekly Critical Power AWC check (See Notifications->Insights-Critical Power AWC Check for more on this). Assuming that the generated CP fairly represents your capabilities, and that your Power Zones are properly aligned with your FTP:
To the exent your FTP is understated with respect with CP this means that Intervals will be too easy to come by. You likely will not be getting the adaptations that would usually accrue were you to have been working with true FTP appropriate zones.
Some of your rides may not even upload due to the fact that interval calculation is a resource intensive process. Because the system is calculating so many intervals in this situation it can run out of resources.
To the extent your FTP is overstated with respect to CP, this means that intervals will be very difficult to come by. You may miss hitting your targets and recording intervals at all.
Neither of these situations is good for you, and the former can jeopardize the server environment and affect everyone trying to use the system. In the image below the first notification is an FTP CP Mismatch warning.

See also