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Uploading KPower Rides
A KPower ride is uploaded from the same screen as a Power Meter ride. KPower uses your existing rides (source rides) that contain both power and heartrate data as sources for making power predictions about rides that only have heartrate data . The system requires that you have 20 eligible source rides uploaded before uploading a KPower ride. There is an additional select control Adjust KPower Watts that allows you to most commonly lessen, or boost the estimated watts KPower eventually provides.

Why do this? Because there could be conditions which apply to your ride which can make the KPower prediction less accurate. Some of these conditions are:
- Excessive heat. Heartrate increases as the body pumps blood to the skin, sweating cools the blood
- Riding too soon after eating. Heartrate increases to deal with digestion.
- Riding off road on technical terrain. Heartrate must expended in upper body efforts to deal with obstacles
- Feeling ill or overly fatigued
- On medication which alters heartrate
All of these conditions could be seen as a reason to adjust KPower wattage downwards anywhere from 5 to 20 watts. These conditions will affect different individuals in different ways. There are no hard and fast rules for adjusting watts in response to them. You should closely monitor your own reactions and make small adjustments to KPower wattage if you feel the situation warrants it. Here is a link to an article which suggests that power outputs can be 5-7% lower in extremely hot conditions:
See also