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Finding Workouts
To find a workout, from the Main Menu take [Workouts] [Find Workouts]. The Find Workouts screen will display. You can search both the Workout Name and Workout Description columns on a 'contains' basis. You can also search without any search criteria. The system will return all workouts for which you are the author and all public workouts that meet the search criteria. From the search results interface you can:
- Click on the link in the Workout Name column to view that workout in Workout Builder. If you are the author, for now you'll be able to edit that workout.
- Click the [Delete] button to perform a "soft" delete of the workout. It will no longer appear in search results.
- Click on a Download Type (.zwo. .fit, .mrc or .erg) on the bottom of the Find criteria panel. Then click the [Download] button for a workout to download the workout in the selected file format.
See also