Home > Other Functions > Notifications
Notifications are short messages that inform you of actions or events on the KOMInformatics system which you might want to respond to or investigate further. They work in a similar manner to other social networking apps. You can view your notifications by clicking on the Bell icon on the upper right hand side of the menubar. The Bell also serves to inform you if you have unread notificiations. As of this writing follow requests, requests for a coach review of data and comments on your rides will all generate notifications.
A new unread notification summary email will be sent to you at an interval you can control. This setting is on a dropdown list on the Advanced Settings page. If you don't want to get this summary at all, one of the choices is "Never".
Here's the way notifications will look. There are six unread notifications:

Clicking on the Bell reveals the notifications. You can mark all of your unread notifications at once by clicking the [Mark All As Read] button. Those notifications desplayed on the current screen will be marked as read automatically. & See also