 Getting Started
    System Requirements
    Cycling Equipment Requirements
    Training Knowledge Requirements
    Creating Power Zones/Interval Specifications
    Creating Heart Rate Zones
    Training Load Settings
    Logging In
    Interval Detection & Selection Overview
    Uploading A Ride
       Handling Missing Seconds
       Wahoo Cloud Sync
       Garmin Connect Sync
       Ride Backfill Request Utility
       Ride Load Status Checker
    Adding A Manual Ride
    Finding Rides
    Deleting Rides
    Exporting Rides
    Ride Feed
    Ride Calendar
    The Ride Page
       Ride Header
       Ride Graph
       Heart Rate Zone Distribution
       Power Zone Distribution
       Cadence Distribution
       Power Curve
       Training Progress
       Edit Ride
       Zwift Workout Generator
       Workout Performance Report
       Uploading KPower Rides
       Curating KPower Source Rides
    Race Readiness Graph
    Power Curves
    Rider Stats Year Over Year
    Personal Records
       Personal Records Overview
       Personal Records Report
       Personal Records - Workload Correlations
    Ride Summary Charts
    Critical Power
       Generating A CP Graph
       Critical Power History
       Critical Power History Backfill
    Fitness Signature
    Hammer Score Leaderboard
    Training Effectiveness
    Rider Assessment
    Plan Strategy
    Workout Builder Screen
    Adding A Workout
    Adding A Block
    Adding A Component To The Workout Graph
    Deleting A Block
    Insertion Points
    Fixing A Block Mistake
    Multi Select Blocks
       Saving As A Component
       Removing Multi Select
    Finding Workouts
    Editing Workouts
    Deleting A Workout
    Generating A Zwift Workout
    Downloading Workouts
    Workout Projections
    Scheduling A Workout
       Rescheduling A Workout
    Deleting A Workout From The Schedule
    Viewing A Workout Performance Report
    Importing A Workout
    Interval Advisor
       Saving A Recommendation
       Adaptive Workouts
    Curating Interval Advisor Source Rides
 Other Functions
    Changing General Settings
    Changing Rider Assessment Settings
    Changing Power Zones/Interval Specifications
    Changing Heart Rate Zones
    Changing Training Load Settings
    Coaches And Friends
    Viewing The Terms Of Service
    Viewing The Privacy Policy
    Logging Out
    Evaluating Progress
    Changing Advanced Settings
          Critical Power AWC Check
          Training Effectiveness
          Interval Workload Levels
          FTP CP Mismatch Warning
    Changing Bicycle Settings
    General FAQ

Home > Getting Started > Registration


Prior to registration you should know what your ftp is.  If you are going to load rides from the past into the system, and your ftp was different at that point in time you should be prepared to enter that ftp as well. The system supports multiple ftps per user which are distinguished by start date.  User weight works the same way.  You should also know what your Heart Rate Zones are if you want the system to track heart rate for you.

New users: Please follow these instructions to start setup.

  1. Enter First Name, Last Name, Email Address & Password on the form provided below.
  2. Fill in a value for the Nickname field. The system uses nickname as a unique identifier for a person which avoids exposing a person's email address so it's important to fill it out.
  3. Make selections from the Gender, English/Metric, and Time Zone select controls. If you will be uploading .fit files, this specification requires that all times are recorded in UTC (Universal Time).  The Time Zone selection enables the application to translate the date/times provided into your local date time.  If for some reason you don't want this, select Greenwich Mean Time. No offset will be applied with this selection.
  4. Pick a start page from the dropdown list.  This controls the page you first go to immediately following login.
  5. Enter in your max heartrate in the box provided. (not required, but needed for VO2Score)
  6. Enter in your morning resting heartrate in the space provided (not required, but needed for VO2Score)
  7. Enter the registration code provided to you by Impact Informatics personnel in the space provided unless the system has done so already.
  8.  Select an option from the New User Power Zone Options select list. If you select the first option "Automatically save default Power Zones/Interval durations" then after saving General Setting the system will load the Power Zones page with defaults and save them for you. If you select the second option "Don't automatically save defaults..." You have to go to the power zones page and either save the defaults yourself, or create your own zones and save them.
  9. Click on the Terms Of Service(TOS) link below to read the Terms Of Service.
  10. If you agree with the TOS, check the Terms Of Service checkbox.
  11. Enter in at least one weight in the weight section. (You can enter multiple weights provided the Start Date for those weights are different)
  12. Enter in at least one FTP in the FTP section. (You can enter multiple values for FTP provided the Start dates for those values are different). Note that you could also use a Critical Power 60 value in place of FTP.
  13. Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the form.
  14. After successful processing of your information, the site menu should appear at the top of the screen. You should continue set up by clicking on the Power Zones (if you haven't selected "Automatically save defaults..." from the New User Power Zone Options select list) and Heart Rate Zones links. At least the Power Zones have to be set up prior to uploading any rides.


See also

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